
日期: 2017/04/23 作者: 浏览量:












1.Kong XQ, Gao XH, Li WH, Zhao JQ, Zhao YX, Zhang H (2008) Overexpression of ENA1 from yeast increase salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biology 51:159-165.(IF: 0.58)

2.Kong XQ, Gao XH, Sun W, An J, Zhao YX, Zhang H (2011)Cloning and functional characterizationof a cation–chloride cotransporter geneOsCCC1.Plant Molecular Biology75: 567-578. (IF: 4.15)

3.Kong XQ, Luo Z, Dong HZ, Eneji AE, Li WJ (2012) Effects of non-uniform root zone salinity on water use, Na+recirculation, and Na+and H+flux in cotton.Journal of Experimental Botany63:2105-2116. (IF: 5.242)

4.Kong XQ, Luo Z, Dong HZ, Eneji AE, Li WJ, Lu HQ (2013) Gene expression profiles deciphering leaf senescence variation between early- and late-senescence cotton lines.PLOS One8(7):e6984. (IF: 3.54)

5.Kong XQ, Luo Z, Dong HZ, Eneji AE, Li WJ (2016)H2O2and ABA signaling are responsible for the increased Na+efflux and water uptake inGossypium hirsutumL. roots inthe non-saline side under non-uniform root zone salinity. Journal of Experimental Botany.67(8):2247-2261.(IF:5.677)

6.Kong XQ, Wang T, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM, DongHZ. (2016) Exogenousnitric oxide delayssalt-inducedleaf senescencein cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 38(3):1-9. (IF:1.563)

7.Kong XQ, Luo Z, Zhang YJ, Li WJ, Zhang DM, DongHZ. (2016)SoakinginH2O2regulatesABA biosynthesis and GA catabolism in germinatingcottonseedsunder salt stress. (Accepted) (IF:1.563)

8. Li WH, Zhang Q,Kong XQ, Wu CX, Ma XL, Zhang H, Zhao YX (2009) Salt tolerance is conferred inArabidopsisby overexpression of the vacuolar Na+/H+antiporter GeneSsNHX2, an alternative splicing variant ofSsNHX1, fromSuaeda salsa.Journal of Plant Biology52:147-153.

9. Wu CX, Gao XH,Kong XQ, Zhao YX, Zhang H (2009) Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a Na+/H+antiporter geneThNHX1from a halophytic plantThellungiella halophila.Plant Molecular Biology Report27: 1-12. (†Contributed equally)

10. Dong HZ, Niu YH,Kong XQ, Luo Z (2009) Effects of early-fruit removal on endogenous cytokinins and abscisic acid in relation to leaf senescence in cotton.Plant growth regulation59:93-101.

11. Zhang HJ, Dong HZ, Li WJ, Sun Y, Chen SY,Kong XQ(2009) Increased glycine betaine synthesis and salinity tolerance inAhCMOtransgenic cotton lines.Molecular Breeding23: 289-298.

12. Dong HZ,Kong XQ, Luo Z, Li WJ, Xin CS (2010) Unequal salt distribution in the root zone increases growth and yield of cotton.European Journal of Agronomy33: 285-292

13. Dong HZ,Kong XQ,Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM (2010) Effects of plant density and nitrogen and potassium fertilization on cotton yield and uptake of major nutrients in two fields with varying fertility.Field Crops Research119: 106-113.

14. Dai JL, Luo Z, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM, Lu HQ, Li ZH, Xin CS,Kong XQ, Eneji AE, Dong HZ (2014) A simplified pruning method for profitable cotton production in the Yellow River valley of China.Field Crops Research164: 22-29.

15. Luo Z,Kong XQ, Dai JL, Dong HZ (2015) Soil plus foliar nitrogen application increases cotton growth and salinity tolerance. Journal of Plant Nutrition 38(3): 443–455.

16. Wang Q, Eneji AE,Kong XQ, Wang KY, Dong HZ (2015) Salt stress effects on secondary metabolites of cotton in relation to gene expression responsible for Aphid development. Plos OneDOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0129541.

17. Zhang YJ, Song XZ, Yang GZ, Li ZH,Lu HQ,Kong XQ, Eneji AE, Dong HZ (2015) Plant growth, physiological and molecular response to peak-flowering waterlogging in relation to cotton yield.Field Crops Research 179: 164-172.

18. Zhang YJ, Chen YZ, Lu HQ,Kong XQ, Dai JL, Li ZH, Dong HZ (2016)Growth, lint yield and changes in physiological attributes of cottonunder temporal waterlogging. Field Crops Research 194:83-63.

19.孔祥强,赵彦修,张慧.中华补血草EMS突变体创制的初步研究.安徽农业科学, 2007, 36(3): 973,1155.

20.朱玉庆,罗振,张慧军,孔祥强,陈受宜,董合忠,孙学振.转AhCMO基因棉花苗期对干旱胁迫的生理反应.棉花学报, 2010, 22(5): 443-447.

21.辛承松,董合忠,罗振,唐薇,张冬梅,李维江,孔祥强.黄河三角洲盐渍土棉花施用氮、磷、钾肥的效应研究.作物学报, 2010, 36(10): 1698-1706.

22.孔祥强,董合忠*.滨海盐碱地棉花熟相调控技术及其机理.棉花学报, 2011, 23: 466- 471.

23.辛承松,董合忠,孔祥强,罗振.棉花不同类型品种苗期耐盐性差异研究.中国农学通报, 2011, 27(5): 180-185.

24.安静,侯蕾,孔祥强,赵彦修,张慧.AtNHX5基因过量表达对拟南芥耐盐性的影响.西北植物学报, 2012, 32(6): 1106-1111.

25.王鹏,安静,侯蕾,孔祥强,赵彦修,张慧.过量表达甜菜BvNHX1基因提高拟南芥的耐盐性,山东农业大学学报, 2012, 43(2): 163-168.

26.王涛,孔祥强,董合忠*. NaCl胁迫对棉花叶片衰老特征的影响及其生理学机制.棉花学报, 2014, 26: 67-72.

27.孔祥强,罗振,李存东,董合忠*.棉花早衰的分子机理研究进展.棉花学报, 2015, 27(1): 71-79.


1.孔祥强,山东省第十届青年科技奖, 2015

2.董合忠,李维江,辛承松,孔祥强,代建龙,罗振,卢合全,唐薇,张冬梅,李振怀,等.农业部中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队, 2015

3.董合忠,李维江,辛承松,段留生,孙学振,唐薇,张冬梅,李振怀,孔祥强,代建龙,滨海盐碱地棉花丰产栽培技术体系的建立与应用,国家科技进步二等奖, 2013

4.李存东,董合忠,孙红春,刘连涛,张永江,孔祥强,张淑云,刘贞贞,刘玉春,秦新敏,转基因抗虫棉早衰的生理生态机制及调控技术,河北省科技进步一等奖, 2012

5.孔祥强,罗振,卢合全,张冬梅,李维江,董合忠,抗虫棉生理性早衰的控制技术及其机理研究,山东省农业科学院科技进步一等奖, 2010