
日期: 2017/04/23 作者: 浏览量:





2000/09-2003/06, 中国科学院,动物研究所,理学博士,导师:王琛柱研究员

1991/09-1994/07, 山东农业大学,动物科技学院,农学硕士,导师:王贻节教授

1987/09-1991/07, 山东农业大学,畜牧兽医系,农学学士,系团总支书记



2012/04-2013/08, 9001cc.s金沙登录,生命科学院,教授

2009/02-2010/10, 加拿大蒙特利尔大学(University of Montreal), 兽医药学系(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine )动物生殖中心 (CRRA),访问学者

2006/12-2012/04, 9001cc.s金沙登录,生命科学院,副教授

2005/07-2006/12, 9001cc.s金沙登录,生命科学院,讲师



1主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:lncRNA HK2P1,PGK1P1/P2作为竞争性RNA抑制蜕膜细胞瓦氏效应诱发先兆子痫的机制。项目编号:31671199。2017-2020, 61万元。

2主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:蜕膜反应缺陷在人子痫前期发病中的作用及其分子机制。项目编号:31471399。2015-2018, 81万元。

3 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:肝受体类似物(Liver Receptor Homolog 1, LRH 1)在雌鼠生殖过程中的作用及其机制。项目编号:31172040。2012-2015,59万元。

4主持山东省自然科学基金:肝受体类似物(Liver Receptor Homolog 1, LRH 1)对于小鼠黄体功能的调控作用。项目编号:ZR2011CM047。2011.7-2014.7,6万元。

5主持国家教育部留学基金委科研启动基金项目:肝受体类似物(Liver Receptor Homolog 1, LRH 1)对于小鼠胚胎的调控作用。2013.4-2015.4,3万元。

6主持山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金:Nodal 等对小鼠胚胎干细胞的诱导作用。项目编号:2006BS02007。2008-2010,8万元。


已在Nature Medicine, Theriogenology, Biology of Reproduction, Reproduction, Endocrine, Development, Growth Differentiation, Stem Cell Development, Journal of Hypertension等杂志上发表第一及通讯作者论文21篇。 其中在“Nature Medicine”发表的文章(Nat Med. 2013;19:1061-1066),受到特别关注,该杂志同期为该研究成果配发了相关评论文章(commentary: Nat Med. 2013;19:968-969) 并录制了播客(podcast )(网址如下:http://www.nature.com/multimedia/podcast/nm/nm-2013-08-06.mp3) Science 杂志也在8月将其选为编辑精选(EDITORS’CHOICE:Science 2013;341:823)加以评论。

1.Tong Jing, Sheng Shile, Sun Yun, Li Huihui, Li Wei-Ping, Zhang Cong*

and Zi-Jiang Chen. Melatonin levels in follicular fluid as markers for IVF outcomes and predicting ovarian reserve. Reproduction.2017. (corresponding author: CZ) (Founding: CZ 2个11,14,WPL and ZJC重大)

2.Wang Guiping, Liu Linlin, Guo Shujuan, Zhang Cong*. Expression and distribution of forkhead activin signal transducer 2 (FAST2) during follicle development in mouse ovaries and pre-implantation embryos. Acta Histochem. 2016 Jul;118(6):632-639.

3.Zhang Dongmei, Chang Xinlian, Bai Jing, Chen Zi-Jiang, Li Wei-Ping, Zhang Cong*. The Study of Cyclooxygenase 2 in Human Decidua of Preeclampsia. Biol.Reprod. 2016 Sep; 95(3):56.

4.Li Hui-Hui, Xu Xing-Hua, Tong Jing, Zhang Kaiyue, Zhang Cong*, Chen Zi-Jiang*. Association of TNF-α Genetic Polymorphisms with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Reprod. Biol. Endocrin. 2016. Feb 2; 14(6). doi: 10.1186/s12958-016-0140-6.

5. Wang Guiping, Zhang Zhaohang, Chen Cheng, Zhang Yachao, Zhang Cong*. Dysfunction of WNT4/WNT5A in deciduas: possible relevance to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. J Hypertens.2016. Apr;34(4):719-727

6.<![endif]>Zhang Dongmei, Cheng Dong, Liu Tao, Zhang Yachao, Chen Zi-Jiang, Zhang Cong*.Dysfunction of Liver Receptor Homolog-1 in Decidua: Possible Relevance to the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia. PLOS ONE. 2015. Dec 30;10(12):e0145968.

7.<![endif]>Guo Tao, Zhang Liang, Cheng Dong, Liu Tao, An Liguo, Li Wei-Ping*, Zhang Cong*.Low-density lipoprotein receptor affects the fertility of female mice. Reprod. Fert. Develop. 2015; 27(8):1222-1232.

8.Guo Cui, Meng Xiaoqian, Bai Jing, Chen Cheng, Liu Tao, Liu Shuzhen, Zhang Cong*, Li Wei-Ping* Expression and localization of transcription factors SNAIL and SLUG in mouse ovaries and pre-implantation embryos. Cell Tissue. Res.2014; 358(2):585–595.

9.Zhang Cong #,Murphy Bruce D.Progesterone is critical to the development of mouse embryos.Endocrine. 2014; 46:615-623.

10.Zhang Ting, Dai Pengyuan,Cheng Dong, Zhang Liang, Chen Zi-Jiang, Meng Xiaoqian, Zhang Fumiao, Han Xiaoying, Liu Jianwei, Pan Jie, Yang Guiwen, Zhang Cong*. Obesity occurred in apolipoprotein E knockout mice has mild effects on murine fertility. Reproduction. 2014; 147 :141–151.

11.Zhang Cong#, Large Michael J, Duggavathi Raj, DeMayo Francesco J, Lydon John P, Schoonjans Kristina, Kovanci Ertug and Murphy Bruce D. Liver receptor homolog-1 is essential for pregnancy.Nat Med. 201308;19(8):1061-1066.

12.Li Yang, Zhang Cong*. The relationship between Evi-1 expression and mouse ovarian follicular development. Acta Histochem. 2012;114:79-86.

13.Cui Lanlan, Yang Guiwen, Pan Jie, Zhang Cong*. Tumor necrosis factor α knockout increases fertility of mice.Theriogenology.2011;75: 867-876.

14.Tang Xiaofang, Zhang Cong*. Relationship between Sloan-kettering virus expression and mouse follicular development.Endocrine. 2011; 40: 187-195.

15.Xu Weiwei, Kong Xiangbo, An Liguo, Zhang Cong*. Relationship between SnoN expression and mouse follicular development, atresia and luteinization.Zool. Sci. 2009;26: 66-73.

16.Kong Xiangbo, Zhang Cong*.Dickkopf (Dkk) 1 Promotes the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells toward neuroectoderm. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim.2009;45:185-193.

17.Qu Xuebin, Pan Jie, Zhang Cong*, Huang Shuyang. Sox17 facilitates the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into primitive and definitive endoderm in vitro. Dev. Growth Differ.2008; 50:585-593.

18.Zhang Cong #, Ye Xin, Zhang Hui, Ding Mingxiao, Deng Hongkui. GATA factors induce mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation toward extraembryonic endoderm. Stem Cell Dev.2007;16(4):605-613.

19.Yin Lihong #, Zhang Cong#, Qin Junde, and Wang Chenzhu. Polydnavirus of Campoletis chlorideae: Characterization and temporal effect on host Helicoverpa armigera cellular immune response. Archi. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2003; 52(2): 104-113. (*为并列第一作者)

20.Zhang Cong#, Yan Yunhua and Wang Chenzhu. Degeneration of Host Prothoracic Glands Caused by Campoletis chlorideae Polydnavirus. Prog. Nat. Sci. 2003; 13(9): 690-695.

21. Zhang Cong#,Wang Chenzhu. cDNA Cloning and Molecular Characterization of a Cysteine-rich Gene from Campoletis chlorideae Polydnavirus. DNA SEQUENCE. 2003; 14(6): 413-419.


